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Welcome To the
CHS Art Department


   The Crestwood Art Department offers a wide variety of classes for students to take. The following is a list of available classes: Art I, Art II, Painting I, Painting II, Ceramics, Black & White Photography, Digital Color Photography, Studio Photography, Studio Art and AP Studio Art.


    Over the past 33 years the Crestwood Art Department has been recognized as an outstanding Art program by the State Board of Education, The Advanced Placement College Boards and the National Scholastic Awards. Currently Crestwood’s AP Art program is rated in the top 1% in the nation. Last year Crestwood senior art students received over $300.000 in college scholarships. The program has two full time staff members that offer 14 different classes and on Tuesday and Thursday nights the department offers open studio till 5:00 pm. The Art Department participates in the following Art competitions: Ohio Governor’s Youth Art Exhibition, The National Scholastic Art Competition, The Portage County Art Show and at the end of the school year we have the Crestwood High School Student Art Show.

Course Descriptions


0111   Art I        1 semester                                 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12       ½ credit
This course is an introduction to the foundations and theories of 2-dimensional and         3-dimensional visual art. In the area of 2-dimensional art, students will focus on the basics of drawing with graphite pencil (rendering, contour, still-life, figure and portrait drawing). In the area of 3-dimensional art, students will focus on the discipline of ceramics.                                                                                                                Fee: 40.00
0112   Art II      1 year                                           Grades 10, 11, 12        1 credit
The focus of the Art II class is to introduce students to printmaking and advanced drawing techniques with the inclusion of color and mixed media. In Art II, students will work with graphite pencil, colored pencil, pastels, ink, charcoal and the mixed disciplines. Students will be introduced to a variety artistic styles.
Prerequisite: Art I                                                                                                      Fee: 50.00
0124   Ceramics/Sculpture     1 semester             Grades 10, 11, 12         ½ credit
This course is designed to incorporate the theories of 3-dimensional design using ceramics, and sculpture. Students will work with clay, plaster, crea-stone. 
Prerequisite: Art I.                                                                                                    Fee: 55.00
0123   Jewelry                          1 semester              Grades 10, 11, 12                 ½ credit
This course is an introduction to intermediate-level jewelry making. Students will learn to create necklaces, bracelets, rings, earrings, small trays and mosaic tiles. Students will work in copper enameling and basic metal working techniques.
Prerequisite: Art I or Basic Art                                                                                 Fee: $65.00
0125   Art III                           1 year            Grades 10, 11, 12               1 credit
In this course students will be working on building portfolios and expanding their artistic skills in drawing, printmaking, or painting. Students who choose to focus on drawing or printmaking will be learning a variety of artistic styles and taking from those to create their own artistic voice. For those who choose painting this course will be an introduction to the materials, process, and discipline required in painting. Students will learn how to translate what they see, imagine or express into an image they create with paint. They will learn how to build a stretcher for a canvas, prepare a stretched canvas to work on, use color, manipulate color relationships, apply paint to a surface, and use watercolor, Oils and acrylic paints.  Prerequisite: Art II.                                                                        Fee: 75.00
0121   Black and White Photography      1 semester        Grades 10, 11, 12   ½ credit
Black and White Photography explores the process of picture taking through camera functions and the development and printing of black and white films. Included in this course will be an introduction to computer and digital photography.              Fee: 65.00
ART (continued)
0122   Color Photography                   1 semester            Grades 10, 11, 12   ½ credit
Color Photography is a continuation of the Black and White Photography course.    Students will continue their exploration of photography through the world of digital color. Students must have a digital camera to take this course. 
Prerequisite: Black and White Photography                                                          Fee: 65.00
0134   A.P. Studio Art                      1 year             Grades 11, 12                       1 credit
This course is set up through the Advanced Placement College Board Program. Students create a portfolio of required projects that will be sent to the College Board for judging. Students receive a rating of 1-5; a rating of 3-5 will allow a student to receive college credit. Students must have the instructor’s permission to enroll in this course.   Prerequisite: Studio Arts                                                                                          Fee: 50.00
Studio Arts                               1 semester           Grades 10, 11, 12   ½ credit
This course is for students who are interested in concentrated independent study of the visual arts. The student will contract in 2 and/ or 3 dimensional arts and crafts for his/her grade with the instructor. This course may be taken a second time for use in completing a senior portfolio. This class is a prerequisite for A.P. Studio Art. Teacher recommendation is required. Due to the variety of areas a student can work in, the fees for this class are as follows:
            0130 Jewelry Studio                         $65
            0132 Ceramics & Sculpture Studio            $55
            0133 General Studio (Drawing)                  $40                                                                             0135 Photography Studio                          $65
            0136 Painting Studio                                    $75


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