Crestwood honors and appreciates all military service members. Students who come from military connected families have nuanced needs that are unlike many of their peers. Data from the Department of Defense indicates that just 10% of all eligible Americans serve in the military,
School counselors, teachers and administration at the Crestwood 7-12 building recognize this. Because we want to "meet every student where they are", the staff has undergone specific training to better support our military connected families and to create a cultural awareness for students who may not understand what United States Service members endure and sacrifice as they are keeping us safe.
- Crestwood 7-12 building has planned for targeted, professional support for our military connected families. We realize the educational challenges associated with transition, deployment and reintegration and we consider it our duty to help military children thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
- Faculty and staff believe that it is important for our non-military students to be familiar with military language, hierarchy, sense of rules and regulations and self expectations that military members and their families live by.
If you are a military connected family please contact your student's counselor for support and resources.
Some additional information can be found here:
Military Interstate Children's Compact Commission
Understanding Military Culture: A Guide for Professional School Counselors
5 Online Resources Every Military Veteran Should Know About